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6/96 News: This Is a CD-Recording

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This is a CD-Recording

By James E. Powell

Just a few months ago, the CD-Recordable (CD-R) was a boutique item. Now the only question is, might one come standard with your PC soon?

Last year, Hewlett-Packard declared war on the market with Sure-Store, breaking the $1,000 price barrier. As interest rose, prices fell-virtually across the board. For example, Smart and Friendly cut the price of its 1002/C by 48 percent to less than $900.

And things could get even better. TEAC, which has made 100 million floppy drives to date, sees the CD-R fray as a natural progression for its devices. "At $2,000, CD-R as a were great for building multimedia applications; at $1,000, there's additional momentum," said Scott Elrich, product development/marketing manager. "OEMs are looking at including a CD-R drive in your next new PC."

So what's ahead? Expect CD-R units for less than $500 by next year, Elrich predicted, and, inevitably, DVD (formerly digital video disk) rewritable drives not long after that: "That could be the floppy drive of the future."
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