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6/96 New Products: E-Mail…In Brief

Listing of all June 1996 new product categories

Guard your confidential data with the Enigma-7 data encryption program. Enigma-7 encodes files and electronic mail transferred over the Internet, local- and wide-area networks, and almost any PC mail system. Data transferred to or stored on diskettes or on backup tapes can also be locked. Enigma-7 runs on Windows 95, 3.1x and NT.

The Enigma Group
800-510-2658, 604-864-2362

Sometimes it's hard to see all the facts when you receive an electronic fax. CFAX Pro For-A-Change integrates into Microsoft Exchange and cleans up received fax files by removing image flaws. It also adds fax encryption to Exchange by scrambling the image with a cipher key.

800-201-0288, 214-618-5976

SafE Mail secures e-mail via a private cryptographic key and electronic signatures. The Internet-compatible program works with voice, text, pictures and executable files. Both sender and receiver must have the software installed. SafE Mail compresses mail files by up to 85 percent to save time and disk space.

From $149
SafE Mail Corp.
800-252-9938, 919-676-2810
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