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Hot Picks

Master the Masterpieces

By Donna Tapellini

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Masterpiece Mansion

The best way to learn is to play a game, and Masterpiece Mansion proves this old adage once again. The setting is a mysterious mansion; in order to move from room to room and eventually escape its walls, you must pass tests on various masterpieces of the art world. Reassemble Gustave Caillebote's painting Paris Street, A Rainy Day to learn about his unique style of showing perspective. Place the missing apples in Paul C...zanne's basket in Basket of Apples; as you do so, you'll see how he angles objects in unlikely ways. Some of the puzzles are simple, others more challenging, but all help you brush up on fine art. This CD-ROM is itself a masterpiece.

Philips Media
310-444-6500, fax

Go for the Gold

By Paul Silverman

Celebrate the centennial of the modern Summer Games with Olympic Gold. View multimedia presentations on 100 Olympic legends. Take guided video tours of each Olympiad, and find out medal totals for participating individuals and countries. On your mark, get set ...

Discovery Channel Multimedia
800-678-3343, 301-986-0444.

Tops for Mom 'n' Pops

By Lori L. Bloomer

Getting a small business off the ground requires savvy-but don't panic if you're MBA-less. Adams Streetwise Small Business Start-Up offers shrewd advice to the fledgling entrepreneur on topics ranging from managing cash to avoiding legal troubles. Animations, audio, video clips and slide shows help you master the ins and outs of a small-business operation.

Adams Media Corp.
617-767-8100, fax 617-767-2055.

Have a Blockbuster Night

By Anne Hirs

Can't decide which movie to rent? Leonard Maltin's Movie & Video Guide 1996 comprises 19,000 movie listings selected by film critic and historian Leonard Maltin. The guide includes made-for-TV and foreign movies, and vintage films dating back to 1914. You search by complete or partial movie title, director, actor, Oscar or Emmy award, or year of release. Each listing includes a pithy review.

Penguin Electronic
800-253-6476, 212-366-2000.

Occidental Tourist

By Eileen McCooey

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Travel & Leisure

Who needs a passport? With Travel & Leisure: Great Cities-Europe, you can promenade along the Piazza San Marco or linger in the Louvre without stirring from your chair. The two-CD set escorts you through 15 cities-among them London, Paris and Rome-and packs information on hotels, transportation, climate, currency, tipping practices and more. You'll find street maps and sections on sightseeing, excursions and shopping. See for yourself via 300 video clips or visit Travel & Leisure's Website for more armchair adventures.

Creative Multimedia
800-262-7668, 503-241-4351.

Game of the Month

In-Descent Proposal

By Ian Etra

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Descent II

If you reel from vertigo after playing Descent, grab the nearest airsick bag. Descent II looks and sounds even better, thanks to high-resolution modes, dramatic transitional movies and a pounding CD soundtrack. think in three dimensions while swooping through the tunnels and caverns of six worlds. Descent II's 30 new levels, increased computer intelligence and specialized robots make gameplay more furious than ever. Play head-to-head via modem or in an eight-player network game. Just wait an hour before operating heavy machinery.

Interplay Productions
800-INTERPLAY, 714-553-6678.

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