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51.8KB bitmap image of artwork
which goes with this article, entitled:
Casual Dining Sets
Is this a sad commentary on our workaholic culture? Or should
we expect a Miss Manners guide on which wine to serve at a workstation?
Submitted by Bruce R. Gelinas
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18.5KB bitmap image of artwork
which goes with this article, entitled:
Attention College Students
If there are computers in heaven, this system is a must. But if
the seller isn't being totally honest, you may have to head south
to get your money back.
Submitted by Milo G. Burston, Alpena, Mich.
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34.9KB bitmap image of artwork
which goes with this article, entitled:
Netscape Navigator 2.0
No wonder Newt advocates tax credits for laptops.
Submitted by Tom Gutting, Moorpark, Calif., and Carol Robinson,
Jacksonville, Ark.
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36.0KB bitmap image of artwork
which goes with this article, entitled:
Texas Instruments
It seems we cropped a little too much out of this ad on the June Recycle Bin page. Here's what you should have seen. Now you get it? Thanks to all you eagle-eyed readers who pointed out this "faux" faux pas.
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6.94KB bitmap image of artwork
which goes with this article, entitled:
Spelling English (US)
Click Here to see a
55.7KB bitmap image of artwork
which goes with this article, entitled:
Windows NT Workstation
Was NT this hot in '95 or was the Boston Globe's ÒIns &
OutsÓ editor clairvoyant?
Submitted by Marjorie G. Paulsen, Tyngsborough, Mass.
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107KB bitmap image of artwork
which goes with this article, entitled:
Easy to use...If you read Braille
Apparently, the developers of this bug-detection software missed
a bug of their own.
Submitted by Sue Mosher, Arlington, Va.
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4.20KB bitmap image of artwork
Error Code: peUnassi gned
Submitted by Kenneth M. Laff, Denver, Colo.
Click Here to see a
43.3KB bitmap image of artwork
which goes with this article, entitled:
The Best of Dilbert
While you're out Net surfing, be on the lookout for amusing sites. If we publish one of your picks, we'll send you a cool WinMag mug and T-shirt. Send submissions to Nancy A. Lang. To find her E-Mail ID Click Here