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8/96 Products: Programming

Listing of August 1996 New Products Categories

Top MapObjects WinStation for Windows 95 Minitab Release 11 In Brief Programming


Build Maps into Your Apps

You don't have to know cartography to build applications with mapping capabilities. MapObjects consists of an OLE control and more than 35 programmable OLE automation objects that let you add geographic information system (GIS) capabilities to apps.

With MapObjects, you can insert street, highway, zip code, state, county and country maps into software programs. The software plugs into Visual Basic, Delphi, Visual C++ and other programming tools. Add mapping components to existing programs, build lightweight data viewing apps, or create new mapping and GIS programs.

MapObjects uses shape files, Spatial Database Engine layers, and TIFF, .BMP and other image formats.

$2,995 (includes 10 licenses)
Environmental Systems Research Institute
800-447-9778, 909-793-2853

Data Handling

Top MapObjects WinStation for Windows 95 Minitab Release 11 In Brief Programming

WinStation for Windows 95

Reflect on Data Protection

If a tape backup is too much trouble, then try saving data with a software "mirror." WinStation for Windows 95 mirrors changes in data files from your desktop to a target network PC, then restores your files in case of a crash, hardware failure or even your own bungling. You designate the types of files or directories to protect. Working transparently, Win-Station backs up the data in real time to reduce recovery time and the risk of information loss.

You can use the program to mirror data one-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-one between network computers running Win95 or NT. WinStation for Windows 95 is compatible with WinStation for NT Workstations and all of Octopus Technologies' other NT products.

Octopus Technologies
800-919-1009, 215-321-8750

Data Analysis

Top MapObjects WinStation for Windows 95 Minitab Release 11 In Brief Programming

Minitab Release 11

Make Your Stats Shine

Minitab Release 11 keeps tabs on your information, to the max. The latest version of the data analysis software supports 31-character column names and right-click shortcut menus, and processes text data so you can use values like "low," "medium" and "high." Minitab's new ODBC interface lets you query and retrieve information from Access, Paradox, Oracle and other ODBC databases. You can also import and export date and time data between Minitab and other applications.

$895, commercial; $495, academic
800-448-3555, 814-238-3280

Top MapObjects WinStation for Windows 95 Minitab Release 11 In Brief Programming

In Brief Programming

Specify business rules, data and relationships, and put 16-bit Vivid Resolution to work building PowerBuilder applications. You can attach methods and data to processes, model visual and nonvisual objects, define application navigation paths, and generate prototypes. The OLE-enabled Object Gallery lets you create and store reusable model components. VR can also generate the Data Definition Language to create or modify Sybase, Oracle and ODBC databases.

InTek Technologies
800-654-3249, 770-840-2500

The Visual Internet 32 Toolkit has been updated with five new OLE custom controls (OCXes) that help you write TCP server applications with multiple connections; support VT220 emulation with keyboard remapping and color and font support; add TFTP functionality; and retrieve user information or network site information. The new version has source code for new sample programs.

Distinct Corp.
408-366-8933, fax 408-366-0153

MemCheck 3.5 for Windows 95 and MemCheck 3.5 for Windows NT add automatic runtime error detection for C and C++ programmers developing Windows applications. The new versions offer improved error checking and expanded Windows API parameter validation, and support MFC and OWL. Project configuration uses wizards and tools for adding and removing MemCheck quickly. The products can detect memory overwrites and misuse and leakage of GDI objects.

$179 each; upgrade, $89
StratosWare Corp.
800-WE-DEBUG, 313-996-2944
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