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9/96 News: Notes From The Lab

Compiled by John J. Yacono;
Contributors-James Alan Miller, Marc Spiwak, Serdar Yegulalp

From WinMag Central

News You Can Use

Even if you don't wear a fedora, chew a stogie or pound on an old Underwood typewriter, you can get news over the wire-that is, straight to your e-mail box. You just have to know where to look (and then fill out a form).

Microsoft, in particular, generates a lot. Naturally there's WinNews, for all things Windows. To get it, send the message "SUBSCRIBE WINNEWS" to without a subject line.

There's also a Win NT electronic newsletter. Fill out a form at, or send the command "subscribe winntnews" as the first line of a message to

To get news on BackOffice, fill out the form at Or subscribe via e-mail by sending "SUBSCRIBE BACKOFFICENEWS" as the first line of a message to BackOfficeNews-Admin You'll get a survey in the mail. By the way, all the bulletins tell you how to halt delivery in case you feel like yelling, "Stop the presses!"

All Things Great and Small

Click Here to see a 45.8 KB bitmap image of artwork which goes with this article, entitled:
All Things Great and Small

Would you believe this is not a credit card but a Windows PC? Well, kind of. The Cardio from S-MOS Systems contains an Intel CPU (up to a 100MHz 486DX4), up to 16MB of RAM, and serial, parallel, keyboard, mouse and video ports. As a testament to its PC compatibility, the card will come bundled with Windows 3.x or Win95.

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