Listing of September 1996 Reviews
By James Alan Miller
Even with Windows 95, gathering system information
can turn into a wild goose chase. TouchStone's CheckIt Diagnostic
Kit can help keep your PC ducks in a row.
CheckIt includes CheckIt 4 for DOS as well as WinCheckIt
Pro. It comes with Qualitas' RAMexam memory testing utility, McGraw-Hill's
CD-ROM Technical Reference Library and some old-fashioned system
tools: Phillips and flathead screwdrivers, as well as loopback
plugs that attach to serial and parallel ports.
The Windows portion of CheckIt focuses on a central
control panel, divided into several sections that give you access
to all the included software tools. A System Summary section offers
configuration data on bus, processor, memory, BIOS, ports, video
adapter and so forth. The Resource Monitor section graphically
displays CPU usage, swap file info, free memory and remaining
disk space. A Change Detector section lets you see modifications
to hardware, system and performance configurations.
I had only one significant problem with the kit,
which otherwise performed as advertised. Although the manual offers
lots of information, it sometimes has trouble making distinctions
between 16-bit Windows and Windows 95-which could be a potentially
serious problem for novice users. And, at $129.95, it's a bit
pricey for what it does.
Still, this is a good choice for augmenting Windows
95's own diagnostic tools, or for filling in the diagnostics gaps
of older operating systems.
--Info File--
CheckIt Diagnostic Kit
Price: $129.95
Pros: Extensive info-gathering
Cons: Confusing manual; expensive
Platforms: Windows 95, 3.1x, DOS
Disk Space: DOS, 2MB; Windows, 8MB
RAM: 4MB (minimum)
TouchStone Software Corp.
800-932-5566, 714-969-7746
WinMag Box Score: 4.0