All the tools you need for network management, inventory, and software metering and distribution can be found in the HP OpenView Professional Suite. This complete tool set integrates the HP OpenView Workgroup Node Manager with software that manages your server, PC, printer and network devices.
The 12 components in the suite are OpenView Workgroup Node Manager, HP AdvanceStack Assistant, HP Exposé from Symantec, HP JetAdmin, HP NetServer Assistant, HP NetMetrix/Win, HP PowerWise Assistant, HP TopTools, Norton Administrator for Networks and Norton pcAnywhere from Symantec, Notify Connect from ExMachina and Saber LAN Workstation from McAfee.
HP OpenView Workgroup Node Manager is the main element of this open, standards-based suite. It provides autodiscovery, mapping, polling and alarm/trap status for small to midsize heterogeneous networks running Win95 and NT.
Hewlett-Packard Co.
800-752-0900, 408-725-8900
Virus protection and data encryption are essential to provide effective PC security. The Secure-1 network security suite includes McAfee's VirusScan, NetCrypto and WebCrypto.
VirusScan is a popular virus detection and removal package. NetCrypto provides transparent peer-to-peer data encryption without application modification or end-user intervention. NetCrypto runs in the background and automatically encrypts files sent over the Internet. It supports 16- and 32-bit operating systems, and requires no changes to the OS. WebCrypto gives standalone users privacy by creating encrypted self-extracting files that can be mailed to any Windows PC.
$125 single user and site license, $100 per node for 1,000 users
McAfee Associates
800-322-9966, 408-988-3832
Forgotten passwords are more than embarrassing: They're a headache for network administrators and users alike. Password Courier lets people on your network reset their passwords without bothering the administrator or help desk. The forgetful ones use their Web browser to access Password Courier from the corporate intranet, log a password reset request with the help desk, authenticate themselves with confidential personal information and reset their password.
$5,000, plus $5 per user
Courion Corp.
508-650-0330, fax 508-650-0001
The Nikon Beluga magneto-optical drive reads as fast as it writes at 4MB per second. The fast read times facilitate the handling of real-time video and audio capture. The Beluga overwrites in a single pass at 3600rpm. The 5.25-inch, 2.6GB drive is fully read/write-compatible with earlier 650MB, 1.3GB and 2.6GB media.
$2,450; $129 for 2.6GB media
Nikon Optical Storage
800-446-4866, 415-508-4674
The Boffin JB828 8X CD-ROM jukebox shuffles 28 discs among seven 8X readers at a swap time of less than 2 seconds per disc. The JB828 comes in standalone and rack-mount case designs. Each unit has a SCSI-2 port, and you can connect multiple jukeboxes to a server with a single-channel SCSI controller on each jukebox. The jukebox runs on Windows NT and Novell NetWare systems.
Boffin Limited
612-894-0595, fax 612-894-6175
If multimedia or other data-intensive applications are taking a giant-sized bite out of your hard disk, you'll want one with at least a gigabyte capacity. The Samsung WNR Series of 3.5-inch hard disks includes 1.6GB, 2.1GB and 2.4GB capacities, with an 11ms seek time, 16.6-Mb-per-second host transfer rate and 5400rpm rotational speed. The 1.6GB disk has two platters and four read/write heads, while the larger capacity drives have three platters and six read/write heads.
1GB $268, 2.1GB $342, 2.4GB $400
Samsung Electronics America
800-933-4110, 201-229-4000
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