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2,001 Tips
This directory includes vendors that have won WINDOWS Magazine Win100 awards during the past two years. In most cases, the phone numbers are for technical support of registered products only. Acecad 408-655-9911 Acer America Corp. 800-445-6495 Automated voice: 800-684-2237 ACMA Computers 800-786-8998 Actix Systems 408-524-0550, fax 408-986-1646 ADI Systems 408-944-0100 x335 Adobe Systems PageMaker 6.0/PhotoDeluxe Automated voice: 206-628-5728 Acrobat: 206-628-2746 Frame: 206-628-4661 Gallery Effects: 206-628-4507 Illustrator: 206-628-3954 PageMaker: 206-628-4531 Photoshop: 206-628-3956 Advanced System Products 800-525-7440 Agfa Division, Bayer Corp. 800-879-2432 AllMicro (see ForeFront) Alps Electric (USA) 800-449-2577 Altra 307-328-1342, fax 307-328-1846 America Online 800-827-3338 AOL: Keyword: TECH American Multisystems 800-888-6615, 408-945-2296 American Power Conversion 800-800-4272 Amquest Corp. 800-577-1819, 717-569-2054 APS Technologies 800-334-7550, 816-483-6200 askSam Systems 904-584-6590, fax 904-584-7481 AST Research 800-727-1278, fax 714-727-9355 905-602-5292 ATI Technologies 905-882-2626, fax 905-882-0546 Autodesk 206-487-2233 AutoCAD: 800-964-6432 Avid Technology (formerly Elastic Reality) 800-777-5573, 508-640-3070 Avantos Performance Systems 510-654-4727, fax 510-654-4542 Baystate Technologies (formerly Cadkey) 508-220-2020 ($85 per incident); 900-288-2284 ($3 per minute) BestWare 800-322-MYOB, 201-586-2200 Blue Sky Software Corp. 619-551-5680, fax 619-459-2486 Boca Research 561-241-8088 Borland International 800-523-7070 Cadkey (see Baystate Technologies) Caere Corp. 408-395-8319 ADE Products: 408-395-5148 x8561 High-end OCR: 408-395-7277 Caligari Corp. 800-351-7620, 415-390-9600 Canon Computer Systems 800-423-2366 Capsoft Development Corp. 801-763-3960 Cardinal Technologies 717-293-3000 Chinon America 800-441-0222 Claris Corp. 408-727-9004 Automated voice: 800-735-7593 Clear Software 617-965-5019, fax 617-965-5310 Cognitronix 619-549-8955 Compaq Computer Corp. 800-652-6672 CompuServe 800-848-8990 GO: CSLIVE or FEEDBACK Computer Mail Services 810-352-8385 Computer Telephony Product Group of Artisoft Visual Voice: 617-499-0056 ConnectSoft 206-803-3039, fax 206-822-5736 Corel Corp. 800-772-6735 CoStar Corp. 203-661-9700 Creative Labs 405-742-6622, fax 405-742-6633 Crescent Software 617-280-3000 Cyrix Processors: Automated voice: 800-462-9749 Systems: Automated voice: 800-340-7532 Datastorm Technologies (see Quarterdeck Corp.) DataViz 203-268-0030 Day-Timer Technologies 800-235-7355, fax 800-362-9927 DEK Software International 800-335-5595 x8 Dell Computer Corp. Portables: 800-247-9252 Systems: 800-624-9896 Delrina Corp. (see Symantec Corp.) Deneba Software 303-596-5644, fax 303-273-9069 Diamond Multimedia Systems 408-325-7100, fax 408-325-7171 Supra: 541-967-2450 Digital Equipment Corp. 800-554-3333 Ditek Software Corp. 905-479-2037 E-Tech Research 800-E-BULLET x108 Eastman Kodak Co. Consumer products: 800-242-2424 Digital imaging products: 800-235-6325 800-800-5202, 310-431-5011 Elastic Reality (see Avid Technology) Ensoniq 610-647-3930 Envelope Manager Software 415-321-2640 Epson America 800-GO-EPSON ESRI 909-793-3774, fax 909-792-0960 Everex Systems 800-262-3312, 510-498-4411 Excalibur Communications 918-496-7881 Express Systems (see WRQ) 800-321-4606, 206-217-7000 http://www.express-systems.com Farallon Computing 510-814-5000 First Computer Systems 800-325-1911, 770-441-1911 FLX Corp. 800-359-4747, 610-408-3900 ForeFront (formerly AllMicro) Internet/Group products: 713-961-1101 PC/Networking products: 813-539-7283 Forte Telecom support only: 619-431-6400 Frame Technology Corp. (see Adobe Systems) Gateway 2000 800-846-2301 Global Village Communication Single-user products: 770-984-9958 Network products: 770-956-0989 Gold Disk (see Astound) GoldMine Software Corp. 310-459-1222, fax 310-459-8222 Grolier Interactive 800-356-5590 Hayes Microcomputer Products 770-441-1617 Helix Software 718-392-3735 Hercules Computer Technology 800-323-0601, 510-623-6050 Hewlett-Packard Co. 800-752-0900 Peripherals: 208-323-2551 Hilgraeve 313-243-0576 x6, fax 313-243-0645 HSC Software (see MetaTools) Hummingbird Communications 416-496-2200, fax 416-496-2207 IBM Corp. 800-772-2227 Idea Fisher Systems 714-474-8111 IMSI 415-257-3000 x3 Inset Systems (see Quarterdeck Corp.) Inso Corp. 312-527-4357 Instance Corp. 206-836-0111 Intel Corp. 800-628-8686 Intergraph Corp. 800-633-7248 Interplay Productions 714-553-6678 Intuit 800-624-8742 Quicken: 505-896-7204 Iomega Corp. 888-4-IOMEGA (charge per incident) Zip, Ditto, $14.99; Jaz, $19.99 Bernoulli: 801-778-5875 iSBiSTER International 214-495-6724, fax 214-530-6566 Janna Systems Janna Contact 95: 819-772-7113 Janna Contact Personal: 541-884-7270 Janna Contact 2.0: 541-884-7270 Jazz Multimedia 408-727-8900x7 JetFax 800-753-8329 Kensington Microware Ltd. 800-535-4242, 415-572-2700 Kidasa Software 512-328-0168, fax 512-328-0247 Kingston Technology Co. 800-436-0640, 714-435-2639 KnowledgePoint 800 727-1133 Labtec Enterprises 360-896-2000, fax 360-896-2020 LEAD Technologies 704-372-9681, fax 704-332-5868 Lexmark International Automated voice: 800-553-9457 Broken/missing parts: 800-453-9267 Printers: 606-232-3000 Logitech 510-795-8100 Lotus Development Corp. All Passport Plans: 800-266-8720 Pay per incident- cc:Mail: 800-804-8380 Desktop: 800-553-4270 Notes: 800-437-6391 Macola Software 800-468-0834, 614-382-5999 Macromedia 415-252-9080, fax 415-703-0924 MathSoft 970-339-7119 Matrox Graphics 514-685-0270, fax 514-969-6363 Maximizer Technologies 800-368-6344 MECA Software 888-808-6322 ($1.95/minute) Mediatrix Peripherals 819-829-8749, fax 819-829-5100 805-566-6200 Metz Software 206-641-4525 Micro Solutions 815-754-4500, fax 815-756-4986 http://www.micro-solutions.com Microcom Carbon Copy: 617-551-1414 Hardware: 617-551-1313 MicroEdge 919-831-0600, fax 919-831-0101 Micrografx 972-234-2694, 972-644-3688 MicroHelp Development products: 770-516-0898 Utilities: 770-591-6448 Micron Electronics 800-877-8856, fax 800-270-1232 Microsoft Corp. Standard support (dial 206-635-) Access: 7050 Excel: 7070 Money: 7131 Mouse/Hardware: 7040 MS-DOS: 206-646-5104 Multimedia products: 7172 Office: 7056 PowerPoint: 7145 Project: 7155 Publisher: 7140 Windows 3.1x: 7098 Windows 95: 7000 Windows NT: 7018 Word: 206-462-9673 Works: 7130 MidWest Micro 800-262-6622, 513-368-3862 Mind Path Technologies 214-233-9296x4 miro Computer Products 415-855-0950 Mitsuba Corp. 800-MITSUBA, 909-392-2000 Mitsubishi Electronics America 800-344-6352, fax 714-236-6453 Mitsumi Electronics Corp. 214-550-7300 Motorola Help Desk: 800-934-4721 Mustang Software 805-873-2550 Mylex/BusLogic Mylex: 510-608-2400 BusLogic: 408-654-0760 MySoftware Co. 970-522-3000, fax 415-325-3106 Nanao USA Corp. (see EIZO Nanao Technologies) National Microcomputers 800-800-4662 x9, 801-265-3700 x9 NEC Technologies 800-388-8888 NetManage ECCO Pro: 206-885-0559 Other products: 408-973-8181 Nico Mak Computing 860-429-3539 NMB Technologies 800-662-8321 Nokia Display Products 800-483-7952 Number Nine Visual Technology 617-674-0009, fax 617-674-8595 Odyssey Computing 619-675-3775 Omega Research SuperCharts: 305-270-0174 TradeStation: 305-270-9336 Wall Street Analyst: 305-270-8674 O'Reilly & Associates 800-998-9938 x401 Ositech Communications 888-OSITECH, 519-836-8063 Pacific CommWare 541-482-2744, fax 541-482-2627 Palo Alto Software 541-683-6162, fax 541-683-6250 Panasonic Communications & Systems Co. 800-PANASYS Pantone 201-935-5500, fax 201-896-0242 PC-Kwik Corp. 503-644-8827, fax 503-646-8267 Peachtree Software DOS: 770-923-4318 Windows: 770-279-2099 Phoenix Technologies Ltd. 671-551-3703 Pinecliffe International WOPR: 314-965-5630 Plannet Crafters 770-998-8664, fax 770-998-8197 Play 916-851-0900, fax 916-853-9831 Plextor 408-980-1838 x3, fax 408-986-1010 Portable Software Corp. 206-637-0060 Portrait Displays 510-227-2716, fax 510-227-2705 Practical Peripherals 770-840-9966, fax 770-734-4601 QLogic 800-662-4471, 714-668-5037 Quantum Corp. 800-826-8022 Quantex Microsystems 800-813-2062 Quarterdeck Corp. (includes Datastorm Technologies) ProComm and TalkSHOW: 573-875-0530 Vertisoft: 573-875-0932 Other products: 310-309-4250 Recognita Corp. of America 408-736-6813 Ricoh Corp. Cameras: 702-352-1600 Peripherals: 800-955-3453 Robotech 800-255-2215 x3 Samsung Electronics America 800-SAMSUNG Serif 603-886-6642, fax 603-889-1127 Sharp Electronics Corp. 800-237-4277 Sheridan Software Systems 516-753-0985, fax 516-753-3661 Shiva Corp. 617-270-8400 Socket Communications 510-744-2720, fax 510-744-2727 SofNet (see Global Village Communication) Softblox 404-892-4766 Softcraft Technologies 816-891-8418 Softdesk Retail Products 816-891-8418 SoftKey International 423-673-2020 Automated voice/fax: 423-670-2022 Software Publishing Corp. ASAP, Harvard, Professional Write: 970-522-9064 OnFile: 407-333-4160 Solutionsoft 408-736-1431, fax 408-736-4013 SoftArc 800-SOFTARC, 905-415-7000 Sony Electronics 408-894-0555 CD-ROM Discman, 800-766-9236 SPSS 312-329-3410, fax 312-329-3668 Stac Electronics 619-794-3700 Starfish Software 970-522-4610 http://www.starfishsoftware.com STB Systems 800-234-4334, 972-669-0989 Stylus Innovation (see Computer Telephony Product Group of Artisoft) Symantec Corp. (includes Norton and Delrina) Main customer support: 541-345-3322 Norton AntiVirus: 541-465-8420 Norton Utilities: 541-465-8440 pcAnywhere: 541-465-8430 WinFax PRO 4.0: 416-443-4390 Syquest Technology 510-226-5400 Tektronix Printers: 800-835-6100 Texas Instruments 800-TI-TEXAS Toshiba America Information Systems 800-999-4273 TouchStone Software Corp. 800-531-0450, 714-374-2801 Traveling Software 206-463-8088 LapLink 95: 206-487-8804 Turtle Beach Systems 510-624-6265, fax 510-624-6292 Ulead Systems 310-523-9391, fax 310-523-9399 UMAX Technologies 800-468-8629, 510-651-8883 U.S. Robotics Courier: 800-550-7800 Palm Pilot: 847-676-1441 Sportster: 847-982-5151 ViewSonic Corp. 800-888-8583, 909-869-7976 Virtus Corp. 919-467-9700, fax 919-460-4530 Visio Corp. 206-521-4600, fax 206-521-4601 Visioneer 541-884-5548, fax 541-884-8474 Wacom Technology 800-922-6620, 360-750-8882 WinBook Computer Corp. 800-468-1225, 614-481-7465 WinSales 206-747-2464, fax 206-747-2955 WRQ 206-217-7000 Xerox Corp. Desktop products: 800-TEAM-XRX OCR products: 800-248-6550 Zenith Data Systems 800-227-3360 ZEOS, div. of Micron Electronics 800-228-5390, fax 208-893-4482 Zoom Telephonics 617-423-1076, fax 617-423-5536 [ Go to 2,001 Tips Table of Contents ]