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2,001 Tips
Basic TrainingThe basic Help Files included in both NT 4.0 Workstation and Server provide a simple introduction to NT 4.0 (including a short-but effective-tutorial on the new interface for NT 3.x users), a list of the most common How To... items, some tips and tricks mainly related to the Windows Explorer, a guide to the Internet tools included with NT, a reference list of NT command-line functions, and a Glossary. They're all accessible from Start/Help. Online AssistanceAside from the basic help that's standard in NT 4.0 Workstation, NT 4.0 Server offers a Books Online item in the Start menu's Programs folder. It provides Windows Help versions of NT Server reference manuals, including a Concepts and Planning guide that covers management and administration issues, and a Networking Supplement that covers details of NT Server's network protocols and features. Panic ButtonYou can get help for most dialogs and property sheets in NT 4.0 by pressing the F1 key-even when the dialog or property sheet lacks a Help item. Commanding FeatureAt the NT 4.0 command prompt, you can get help on any built-in function with the HELP command. For example, type HELP DIR for help on NT's command-line directory function. Network AssistanceNT 4.0 supports an extensive set of command-line network functions inherited from Microsoft's LAN Manager products. To get a list of the commands type NET HELP, and then for details on any command type NET HELP command. For example, NET HELP VIEW gives help on the NET VIEW command. [ Go to 2,001 Tips Table of Contents ]