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2,001 Tips
Word Processing

Word Pro 96

Now You See It ...

To make a frame transparent, change it by right-clicking on its edge. Select Properties/Lines and Color, and change the pattern to None.

The Net Set

If you need to uninstall Word Pro, or move its directory, you can maintain its internal proxy settings for Internet access. Copy and save the LTSNET.INI file from your Windows directory; this file contains all of the proxy settings.

Names Escape Me

Having trouble connecting the name of an embedded graphics file with its fair face? You can show the filename instead of the graphic just by choosing View/Set View Preferences and disabling the Show Graphics box.

Quick-Change Artist

If your documents require different types and sizes of paper, assign your page layouts to a specific printer bin using the Shortcut menu. Select Page Properties and change the options on the page size panel to sync up with the appropriate paper tray. Save the layout as a new page style by selecting Style/Create Style and naming the layout.

Up to the Moment

Keep a Table of Contents up-to-date by choosing Create/Other Document Part/Table of Contents. Click on the Contents panel, and select Update.

Slightly Out of Line

Extend a line past either margin by selecting Show/Hide from the View menu, and clicking on Ruler. On the ruler, drag the margin to where you want the line to end.


Tired of boring bullets? Choose Text Properties and click on the Bullets and Numbers tab. Click on the bullet style you want, or choose another character from the pull-down Other menu. You can change bullet fonts by clicking on the Font button.

I Meant That!

You can tell SmartCorrect to ignore unusual or odd spellings in a document by placing a "soft space" after the word using Ctrl+Spacebar. This forces AutoCorrect to leave your words alone.

Awake at the Switch

If you're converting from Ami Pro to Word Pro, Lotus has a SwitchKit available on the Web to make the task easier. Check out http://www.lotus.com/wordpro/2112.htm.

Power Printing

If you want your Power Fields, Document Info Fields, Table of Contents and Indexes to update automatically before you print a document, select File/Print and click on the Options button. Select the options for indexes, tables and fields, and each will be updated as the document is printed.

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