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New Products
The next few months don't have to be taxing ones. Plenty of help is available for preparing your income taxes. The streamlined Kiplinger TaxCut features a new question-and-answer interview format to assist in tax form preparation. The new Audit Buster ensures you take all the right deductions while flagging those items or omissions that might set off alarms at the IRS. Also new is a MultiState CD-ROM that contains 23 TaxCut State Editions if you have to file returns in more than one state. The multimedia edition provides more than 2 hours of video and audio tax-saving tips. TaxCut, a partnership between Block Financial Corp. and the Kiplinger Washington Editors, brings back the 1040PC form and lowers the electronic filing cost to $9.95 (see "FYI" below) Filing Edition, $19.95; Deluxe Multimedia Edition, $49.95; MultiState Edition, $24.95 Block Financial Corp. 800-235-4060, 617-428-1119 Copyright © 1997 CMP Media Inc.