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If you're a Webmaster, your concerns include broken links, usage patterns and the best way to lay out a complete site. It helps if you can manage these elements graphically. Astra provides visual Web administration, displaying your site from a Webmaster's viewpoint. Astra pinpoints broken links and access problems, and lets you repair them through any editor. It also highlights functional areas with color-coded links and URL icons, and eases navigation through the program with zoom and pan features. The program shows usage patterns by diagramming the hits for each page, helping you to optimize performance for high-hit areas, and determine advertising rates and message placement. Astra's plug-in API allows you to add search engines and other applications, including Java applets. This 32-bit application supports any Web browser and server. $495 Mercury Interactive Corp. 800-759-3302, 408-523-9900 Copyright © 1997 CMP Media Inc.