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Taking it to the street is a good thing with mapping software. Select Street Atlas 2.0 brings you down to the street level with 10 levels of zoom magnification. The two-disc (for the East and West) program also lets you import personal databases. You can customize maps with 200 color symbols, annotated drawings and labels. You can also print 8.5-by-11-inch maps. Select Street Atlas 2.0 includes telephone numbers and addresses for more than 1 million travel and business destinations such as hotels, restaurants, stores and banks. You can make maps for ads, newsletters and brochures, or target specific marketing areas. Select Street Atlas Deluxe combines Street Atlas 2.0 with Business Deluxe, a two-disc CD-ROM. Pro CD claims that Business Deluxe lists 100 million U.S. businesses. You can search for a business by name, address, city, county, state, zip code, telephone number, Standard Industry Classification and Metropolitan Statistical Area. $49; deluxe version, $79 Pro CD 800-99-CD-ROM, 508-750-0000 Copyright © 1997 CMP Media Inc.