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If you plan to uninstall Diskeeper 1.x, be sure to do it before upgrading to NT 4.0. If not, the uninstall program will overwrite the NT 4.0 kernel with the kernel you had when you first installed Diskeeper. Executive Software tells us Diskeeper 2.0 will have an NT 4.0-aware uninstall. Of course, you might have the same problem when you upgrade to NT 4.x. If you've got a Colorado tape drive that's less than half the size of your hard disk, and if it came with older software that won't back up long filenames, don't count on Windows 95 Backup for help. While it will back up long filenames and the Registry, it can falter when three or more tapes are involved. Your options are to buy Colorado's Backup for Windows 95 ($24.95), trade in for a larger backup drive (which would come with the Win95-compatible software), or use Win95 Backup to do selective backups on multiple but unlinked tapes. Some U.S. Robotics Sportster V.34 owners have been complaining that their modems are fraught with difficulties. For example, modems made after March 1996 seem to doze off during terminal sessions if you've left your keyboard untouched for a while. For the long list of products affected and the exchange/swap plan now in place, go to http://www.USRobotics.com. As a temporary fix for some modems, set S12=0. Copyright © 1997 CMP Media Inc.