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New Products
If you're seeking a competitive edge, Infotrac Professional may be just what you're looking for. This program features a sales forecasting and opportunity management system that helps you organize and track large, complex sales possibilities. It indicates where you are in the selling process and calculates the probability of closing a sale. You print forecast reports by representative, territory, product category, value or point in the sales cycle. You can even print sales for each of the next four months or quarters, or track reasons why sales are won or lost. The program includes a screen designer that lets a system administrator alter Infotrac's Profile, Contact and Forecasting screens and databases. The new e-mail integration simplifies synchronizing data with the office and lets you add a personal address for each contact. $295 to $495 per user Canveon Systems 800-667-3282, 416-226-2181 Circle #552 or visit Winfo Online