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Policy, Schmolicy

The Policy Editor in Windows NT 4.0 is supposed to let you restrict the privileges of individuals, all users and/or user groups. So if a user logs on to a server, he or she will be restricted by policies that affect all users, the group(s) the user is in, and that user in particular. Well, that's the theory anyway. In reality, a policy written for an individual overrides all group policies when that individual logs on.

We previously mentioned that the Emergency Recovery Utility on the Win95 CD would hang if any of the system files it can optionally back up is missing (see Notes from the Lab, December 1996). We suggested making zero-length files to imitate any of the expected files your system lacks. Senior Contributing Editor John Woram has another solution: Use a text editor to remove mention of any missing files from the ERU.INF file (located in the same subdirectory as ERU.EXE)

Technical Editor John Yacono got just what he didn't want on his anonymous AOL account: junk e-mail. And not just any junk e-mail-it was information about how to send junk e-mail of your own. It came from a company called WorldNet, which offers various communications services and software, including e-mail broadcasting. It might not be Armageddon-yet-but if you rely on e-mail as much as we do, it comes pretty close. Of course,we're sure the folks at worldnet@mailout.com wouldn't mind receiving a few thousand of your e-mail opinions about this service. Again, that's worldnet@mailout.com.

Windows Magazine, February 1997, page 92.

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