[ Go to February 1997 Table of Contents ]

R & R: Resources and Recreation
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Avoid School Daze

-- by Anne Hirs

Are you twisted with anxiety at the piles of college applications for your kids? The U.S. News Getting Into College 1997 CD-ROM can help. Answer questions about your preferences, such as a school's size, location and majors, then view a list of suitable candidates from the 1,400-strong database. You'll find information on topics like financial aid, applications and admissions tests. U.S. News' College Center on the Web provides college e-mail and Web addresses.

$29.95; Professionals' Edition (for up to 100 users), $99.95. Creative Multimedia, 800-252-7668, 503-241-4351.

Circle #831 or visit Winfo Online

Windows Magazine, February 1997, page 303.

[ Go to February 1997 Table of Contents ]