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Cover Story
-- by Lenny Bailes
Symantec's Internet FastFind is a dedicated Internet search utility. It covers seven popular Web search engines, and sorts the results of keyword queries either by site or by URL page references. FastFind is easy to use, but its query features are not as sophisticated as those in WebSeeker or NetAttaché Pro. Your keyword entry may retrieve an exact phrase, all entered words in any order on a page or any word in a phrase. FastFind doesn't let you use Boolean operators. FastFind is not a page retriever, so it doesn't automatically download retrieved pages or create bookmarks to them. Like WebSeeker, it simply writes citations to an HTML results page. On the plus side, FastFind complements Web searching with more general Internet browsing features not found in other products. NetFileFind is an Archie client that lets you choose from 28 Archie servers to scour ftp file servers. PatchConnect inventories the hardware components and software installed on your computer and searches the Internet for sites that contain recent driver updates. Also included are EasyFTP, a built-in Explorer-like ftp client, and EasyZIP, a ZIP file archive manager.
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