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New Products
In Brief
Technical Drawing

IsoDraw 4.0 gives you interactivity, CGM native mode, over 50 new illustration features and a rich API for add-ons and customization. You can turn any element in an illustration into a hot spot.

$3,600; upgrade, $595

The IsoDraw Co.

408-260-3450, fax 408-260-3455

Circle #577

AutoCAD Release 13 Internet Publishing Kit lets you share and collaborate on drawings over the Internet with other designers, architects and engineers.



800-964-6432, 415-507-5000

Circle #578

Draft-Pak 7.55 has a Visual Library with more than 550 design and CAD symbols.


Baystate Technologies

800-DRAFTPAK, 508-229-2020

Circle #579

Copyright (c) 1997 CMP Media Inc.

Windows Magazine, March 1997, page 78.

[ Go to March 1997 Table of Contents ]