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New Products
Enhanced TeamTalk Turnkey Package
Work Together, Even When Miles Apart

If your company uses a good conferencing package, remote workers don't have to seem so far away. The Enhanced TeamTalk Turnkey Package adds features and administrative support to the previous TeamTalk version, making it easier to electronically share and access information. TeamTalk lets you hold online meetings and brainstorming sessions, and also lets you set up public and private topics for group projects.

TeamTalk's new features include a revamped interface, 32-bit compatibility, removal of 64KB limitations on database records, and DDE extensions that let you access the list of users and their pictures. The conferencing program includes Simple and Dynamic Topics, threads, TopicMap and ThreadMap navigational tools, automatic notification, Search and Search Viewer, WAN and remote user support, and support for non-Windows users. It runs on Win95, NT and 3.x.

The turnkey package includes two hours of system administration instruction and consultation, 10-person individual training, a training class for 10 administrative and support people, four hours of configuration consulting, and TeamTalk LAN software for up to 20 people.


Trax Softworks

800-367-8729, 310-649-5800

Circle #586

Copyright (c) 1997 CMP Media Inc.

Windows Magazine, March 1997, page 80.

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