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NT Enterprise
NT Newstrends
Cedar Takes Root

-- by Joseph C. Panettieri

Microsoft has clearly beaten IBM in the PC software market. But on the mainframe?

Take a look at Cedar, a forthcoming software package from Microsoft that's meant to offer tight integration between Windows 95, Windows NT ... and mainframes. In particular, Cedar is expected to link Microsoft Transaction Server (MTA) with IBM's rival transaction processor, CICS (Customer Information Control System). MTA only runs on NT Server, while CICS is available for mainframes, the AS/400, RS/6000 and OS/2. An NT version of CICS is also under development by IBM.

Cedar, slated for release this year, will support any COM- (component object model) based client OS. COM currently supports NT and Win95, with UNIX support to be added sometime later this year.

Windows Magazine, April 1997, page NT06.

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