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New Products
In Brief
Web Utilities

Find the missing links with LinkScan. Designed to run on Windows NT and UNIX servers, LinkScan can test over 30,000 links per hour using multithreaded simultaneous processing. Webmasters can check internal and external links, scan for missing HTML or graphics files and discover orphan files.

Corporate, $495; individual, $49.95

Electronic Software Publishing Corp.

Circle #602

Do you have a nose for news? If not, NewsMonger can sniff out the good stories for you. It monitors Usenet newsgroups to find articles listing criteria you determine. NewsMonger notifies you by e-mail when it finds an article matching your criteria.

$39.95; 10-user pack, $200

TechSmith Corp.

800-517-3001, 517-333-2100

Circle #603

SiteXtras 1.5 keeps your Web site in order. The program provides keyword indexes and a table of contents, a Search and Replace tool, and management reports for pages, links and other resources that report broken links and missing images.



515-987-2910, fax 515-987-2909

Circle #604

Windows Magazine, May 1997, page 68.

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