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New Products
CAD/Technical Drawing
CadraWorks 10.2
Take CAD Off the Board

Your monitor screen can become a drafting board with CadraWorks 10.2. The program combines the Cadra Design Drafting program with the SolidWorks 97 Windows-native 3-D system from SolidWorks Corp. CadraWorks 10.2's enhanced interface generates section views of a solid model in a Cadra drawing.

The program has improved redraw speed and lets you insert model dimensions and create exploded views of models. The addition of SolidWorks 97 lets you create sheet metal parts and provides Internet capabilities such as VRML support, ActiveX server capability and the ability to save designs as embedded links in HTML documents.

$6,995 per seat

Adra Systems

508-937-3700, fax 508-453-2462

Circle #561

Windows Magazine, May 1997, page 72.

[ Go to May 1997 Table of Contents ]