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New Products
ReachOut 7
Reach Out to Your Desktop from Anywhere

No matter where you find yourself, ReachOut 7 can ensure that data on your desktop PC will always be available. If you can access the Internet, then you can access the files and apps on your desktop.

The ReachOut Passport viewer is an ActiveX control for Internet Explorer and a plug-in for Netscape Navigator. You launch a 32-bit browser from a Windows 95 or NT PC with an Internet connection, download ReachOut Passport from Stac's Web site (http://www.stac.com), type in your PC's address and go to work from your remote desktop.

ReachOut 7 works with all versions of Windows and DOS. It works with the Windows NT User Manager to allow one password for both NT and ReachOut. The program includes IntruderGuard to automatically lock out your computer when an incorrect password is entered.

$139; upgrade, $69.95 for 5 users; $29.95 for 6 users


800-279-7822, 619-794-3741

Circle #621

Windows Magazine, May 1997, page 88.

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