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NT Enterprise
Computer Associates' Unicenter TNG lets you centrally manage networks, applications and databases. Unicenter TNG (the next generation) secures Internet and intranet connections, deploys software across a network, automates help desk services, monitors remote hardware and software, and provides Windows desktops with a single sign-on to PC, UNIX and mainframe services. Its 3-D interface lets you visualize network problems. Unicenter TNG is integrated with several third-party management platforms, including SunNet Manager, Cabletron Spectrum, IBM NetView and Hewlett-Packard OpenView, as well as Cheyenne Software's ARCServe backup/restore and InocuLAN antivirus products, which CA acquired last year. It's available for NT on Intel and Alpha, and various UNIX platforms. From $2,500 Computer Associates International 516-342-5224