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NT Enterprise
NT Product Pipeline -- Software
RoboMon 6.1
Automated Administration

It's not quite the HAL 9000 or artificial intelligence, but RoboMon 6.1 automates NT system administration.

The software monitors CPU and memory saturation, excessive or inefficient I/O, disk space shortages and file/print errors. If RoboMon detects a problem, it is corrected automatically.

The software includes the Statistic Builder and Omni Collector utilities. The program monitors and examines data maintained in NT's Performance Monitor database. Omni Collector evaluates database information exported to ASCII files.

RoboMon supports NT for Intel and Alpha, IBM AIX, Digital UNIX, Hewlett-Packard HP-UX, and SunSoft Solaris and SunOS.

From $300 to $7,000

Heroix Corp.

800-229-6500, 617-527-1550

Circle #661

Windows Magazine, May 1997, page NT22.

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