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NT Enterprise
NT Product Pipeline -- Hardware
3Com Fast EtherLink XL CardBus PC Card
Notebook Networks

3Com Corp's. Fast EtherLink XL CardBus PC Card pumps more networking bandwidth directly to your notebook.

Fast EtherLink XL slides into a 32-bit CardBus slot now available on high-end notebooks. It supports full duplex (bidirectional) communication at 10Mbps or 100Mbps and includes AutoLink and AutoIQ software for quick installation.

The notebook card negates the need for a docking station equipped with a network interface card and replaces antiquated 16-bit PC Cards that don't fully support 100Mbps transmissions.

$179 each; $895 per five-pack

3Com Corp.

800-NET-3COM, 408-326-1962

Circle #638

Windows Magazine, June 1997, page NT12.

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