WINDOWS Magazine, July 1997
Rev Up the Web for Free || Editor Mike Elgan on the Web ||
Message Exchange || Reviews and Related Resources || July Issue ||
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Well Connected
Browsers Get Better
Perfect Plug-Ins
Useful Utilities
Find It Fast
Cookie Monsters
Search Success

Modem Mastery
Quick Connections
Ready, Willing and Cable
Tune In to the Web

If You Build It, They Will Come
Construction Sites
Picture This
Sounds Good
Action ... Reaction
The Next HTML

A Host of Hosts
Serve Yourself
Watch What Gets In
Know Who's Visiting
Find a Gracious Host
Get Surfers to 'Hit' on You

The Top 20 Business Sites

Find a Gracious Host

If you just don't want to deal with any of this yourself, you can have someone else host your site. In fact, most Web sites-from personal home pages to large-scale corporate sites-are hosted on someone else's computer system.

Outsourcing can often be cheaper and less time-consuming than deploying and maintaining your own site. And hosting companies can provide scalable resources and advanced technical skills you may lack.

Almost all ISPs offer customers a couple of free megabytes of server space. That's enough for learning about Web design and creating simple sites. The drawbacks are a clunky Web address such as name, no access to CGI scripts, and possible prohibition from including business materials.

Hosting services for commercial sites offer more advanced options, and they can help you register a more appropriate virtual domain name (such as Typically, you're responsible for site content, while the hosting company maintains the server and all Internet connections. Many companies can also provide soup-to-nuts technical assistance for developing and maintaining your site. Costs start around $100 a month and can run into the thousands, depending on the amount of server space you need, the volume of traffic your site generates and special services you may require.

Hundreds of companies offer Web-site hosting, including online services and regional and national ISPs.

Key things to look for in a host are price, reliability and performance. Ask for details about its network operations-how they're maintained and how they're linked to the Internet. Find out how many other sites it's hosting and check customer references. Check access to technical support, availability of usage reports and security options. Finally, ask hosting companies about their support and practical experience with any special services you require, such as electronic commerce and audio or video support.

A Host of Hosts: Get Surfers to 'Hit' on You