Reviſation XXXVIVI; January 4th, Anno Domini 2025.

Having no urgency to preach merely on Morals, or Politick, or any divisive thing, I declare my one guiding rule, and my greatest wish: Æsthetic Freedom and Discernment in all things! This one rule extends to every area of life. No matter what we encounter, a Folk ought to have the right of Freedom of Association, a thing which has been taken from us all.

Digital Æsthetic Tyranny.

You have the freedom no longer to use the hardware and software you wish. The Web's increasing complexity, and the added requirements of every program, are not there to make anything better. The Web has been consolidated down to a select few sites which are maintained by the handiwork of senseless slaves, and the codebases grow; they are not audited. Few understand how little is needed to display graphics and text, and no one is outraged enough at how much is required of us to do so. Flat modern UI design is intended to numb and break down the senses.

Automotive Æsthetic Tyranny.

You do not get to witness a road full of works of art as your ancestors did. Modern vehicles have pivoted to look like alien pods, the whole lot of them. Smoothed off, made of plastic, without a single visual feature serving a purpose. I have the freedom to collect and drive what I like, but everything beyond my window is an eyesore. I should rather live in Cuba.

Ethnic Æsthetic Tyranny.

Let us never lose our Diversity! True Diversity is exemplified by the ethnicities of Northwestern Europe: the true People of Color. Black hair and brown eyes are found anywhere at all in our world, but only we sons of Northwestern Europe, the Germanics and Celts, are colored with all of God's palette. Let my Germanic race never be polluted; let us never lose the colors we were given. Even if my race were below average in strength, intelligence, or creativity -- and the opposite is in fact true -- I should still choose to defend it with my life, that Æsthetic diversity might never perish. The day is coming when those who disagree with this and advocate for our erasure shall be put to death.

Resist Tyranny!

Æsthetic Discernment is a rare gift, with most unbothered to live in unnatural, demoralising, filthy environs. Anyone who has this gift, let him live by it, let him determine his morals by it, let there be less complacency with the ugliness and the homogenisation that each and every one has to deal with. Stand up for change when the established order is called into question, and stand up against change when the bad actors in society seek to tear down remnants of better times. Be Beautiful, let your home be Beautiful, let your children be Beautiful, spread Beauty to every space you inhabit. Let not Beauty be uprooted and trampled on.