io[ChristmasEve] Fix Patch

Translated by zalas as part of al|together 2005, io[ChristmasEve] is a novel game made in the KiriKiri engine. The game received an update a year after the release of the translation patch which caused the patched game to crash immediately after starting, so my friend at the group Re*define has made a fix for it, making the game playable from start to finish.

The fix consists of removing malfunctioning lines calling for an apparently nonexistent object called options2Menu.
The XP3 archive was worked on with insani's xp3tools-20060708 available at
The fix has been tested on Windows XP and Windows 10.

The original game can be obtained here from Freem. The original English patch can be obtained here from al|together 2005.
To install this fix patch, copy "patch.xp3" to the game folder, overwriting the existing "patch.xp3" if it is present.


Download io[ChristmasEve] fix patch