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8/96 Features: Living Color

Colorful Options

The files listed below are installed in the C:\Windows\System\Color folder during the Windows 95 setup procedure. (Spaces added here for clarity do not appear in the actual filename.) The letters "mn" indicate the profile is for a monitor. The next three characters give the phosphor set, and the final three are the gamma-roughly, a ratio of color brightness to signal voltage.

To verify the Profile Description, open Explorer and highlight any ICM file in the C:\Windows\System\Color folder. Next, select the Context menu's Properties option, click on the Profile Description tab and note the Color Profile Description.
FilenameProfile Description
mn B22 G15.icmNEC MultiSync Gamma 1.5 Monitor
mn B22 G18.icmNEC MultiSync Gamma 1.8 Monitor
mn B22 G21.icmNEC MultiSync Gamma 2.2 Monitor
mn EBU G15.icmGeneric EBU 1.5 Gamma Monitor
mn EBU G18.icmGeneric EBU 1.8 Gamma Monitor
mn EBU G21.icmGeneric EBU 2.2 Gamma Monitor
mn P22 G15.icmGeneric P22 1.5 Gamma Monitor
mn P22 G18.icmGeneric P22 1.8 Gamma Monitor
mn P22 G21.icmGeneric P22 2.2 Gamma Monitor

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