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8/96 Features: Living Color

Jungle Fever

To evaluate the color-matching procedures outlined here, I used images taken with a Kodak DC-50 digital camera. The camera came with me as I rafted under, hiked around and helicoptered over Brazil's stupendous Iguacu Falls (or Iguazu, when viewed from the Argentine side). This excursion was followed by a week of oppressive heat and humidity deep in the Amazon jungle. With frequent downloads to an IBM ThinkPad 701C laptop and one spare set of AA batteries, the camera survived some 500 exposures, a few of which turned out to be pretty good photographs.

Once back in civilization, I viewed one of the digital images on a MAG InnoVision 17-inch monitor whose display had been optimized with Sonera Technologies' DisplayMate software. I tried several printer driver modes and ICM settings, then evaluated the printed results using the admittedly subjective Woram Standard.
TestPrinter Mode ICM ProfileEvaluation by Woram Standard
1No adjustmentNone A trifle dark, some loss of definition,
but best blue in sky and good cloud contrast
2Match ScreenNone Also dark, but better definition than 1.
3AutomaticNone Lighter, with best contrast in shadow areas
4Automaticmnb22g15.icm Same as 3 (ICM has no effect in Auto mode).
5No adjustmentmnb22g15.icm Similar to 2, but better color saturation in rainbow. Some loss of shadow contrast
6No adjustmentmnb22g18.icm Slightly lighter, bluer sky, slight loss of saturation in rainbow
7No adjustmentmnb22g22.icm About the same as 6.
8No adjustmentcolorific.icm Same as 5.

Depending on where you're willing to compromise, you'll get the best colors with either a printer driver in automatic mode or with an ICM color profile enabled. For casual use, Windows 95's color profiles should suffice. But for the ultimate tweak, the Colorific software offers more control over the printed page.
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