July 1996 Table of Contents




By Fred Langa
Here are some of Fred's favorite little apps.

The Explorer

By Mike Elgan
Windows NT is the rags-to-riches story of the year.

Windows at Work

By Cheryl Currid
The right technology can improve your juggling act.

Dialog Box

By Lou Grinzo
Can Java loosen Microsoft's vise grip on the software market?

How To

Optimizing Windows

By John Woram
A few applets from Windows 3.1x are worth salvaging.


By Jim Boyce
Tie all your documents together in a snazzy software binder.

Power Windows

By Karen Kenworthy
Don't let sloppy users mess up your setup.

Programming Windows

By Martin Heller
If you ask Microsoft, Windows and the Net are converging.

Cover Story

Best New Ways To Blazing Speed

If it's speed you need, we've got it. We reviewed five fleet-footed systems that offer three different routes to top performance--the 166MHz Pentium, the 200MHz Pentium Pro and Cyrix's 6x86 Intel alternative. Take your pick.


Picture the Perfect Web Server

Choosing a World Wide Web server for Windows NT is as simple as targeting your needs and your budget.

Enterprise View

The original OS/2 is bleeding, and Windows NT is holding a smoking gun.

Enterprise Administrator

Have you been Winsocked? We can fix you up.

NT Product Pipeline

Check out the hottest new products in the pipeline.


Unlock the Registry's Secrets

Learn how to master the Registry, the powerful, systemwide database that drives Windows NT and Win95.

Get Real!

Quit playing games. The new wave of 3-D is ready to get down to business.

Gigabytes to Go

The diminutive floppy has some high-powered competition. The new breed of removable media packs gigabytes of data into minuscule packages.

Untangle Your Time

Need a lifeline to your schedule to stay in sync with colleagues? Throw away your Filofax-all you need is a Web browser.

Sites for Sore Eyes

There's a whole world of Web pages fighting for attention. Here's how to make your site stand out as one worthy of a repeat visit.

WINLAB Reviews

What's Hot

Pad Pares Pounds, Ups Power

There's a whole lot to like in IBM's ThinkPad 560, the latest addition to Big Blue's notebook line.

Café Brews Hot Java Applications

Café is no substitute for C++ when it comes to building quality Windows applications, but the package is an improvement on the first generation of Java tools.

Hot Printer Is Fiery at Heart

Canon's C LBP 360PS is a high-powered color printer that purrs.

Recommended List

Check out our complete list of recommended products, including the top systems, notebooks, hardware and software.

And Our Reviews Of ...







July 1996 Letters

July 1996 Newstrends

New Products

July 1996 How To Buy

... a scanner

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Recycle Bin