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12/96 Cover Story: King of the Raod
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12/96 Reviews What's Hot: Windows CE, NEC Mobile Pro HandHel PC and Casio Cassiopeia
12/96 Reviews This Month
What's Hot
Windows CE, NEC Mobile Pro HandHel PC and Casio Cassiopeia
Head to Head: Personal Finance Software
Intuit Quicken 6
Microsoft Money 97
Hewlett Packard OmniBook 800CT
Micron Millenia Pro2 400 Plus
Head to Head: Desktop Systems
Compaq Deskpro 4000 Model 5133
Compaq Deskpro 6000 Model 6200
Dell Optiplex Gs+
Dell Optiplex Gxi
AST Advantage 9310 and AST Advantage 9312
Dell PowerEdge 2100
AST Ascentia J20
Kingdom Pentium P200
Head to Head: Pentium Pros
Gateway 2000 G6-180 Family PC
Pionex Elite Pentium Pro 200
IBM Aptiva S66
IBM PC 350
Dell Latitude Xpi CD PI50ST
ALR Evolution 5ST
Canon BJC-4550
Head to Head: CD ROM Drives
Sony CSD-880E
Phillips PCA80SC
Head to Head: Video Cards
Hercules Terminator 64/3D
Number Nine 9FX Reality 332
Matrox Mystique
Canon BJC-620
Franklin Bookman Sidekick Palmtop Organizer
NEC MultiSpin 8Xi and NEC MultiSpin 8V
HP Deskjet 400
Creative Labs Performance 8X
Micro Solutions backpack 8X CD-ROM
Flat Connections NovaLAN/Modem 288
Key Tronic Lifetime Wireless Trackball Keyboard
Agfa SnapScan
VideoLogic GrafixStar 600 Graphics Accelerator
Mind Path Wireless Keyboard
HP Deskjet 870Cse
Head to Head: Travel Mapping Software
AAA Map 'n' Go2.0
StreetFinder 1997
TripMaker 1997
AutoMap Street Plus
AutoMapTrip Planner
RoadTrips Door-to-Dooor
Lotus SmartSuite 97
Adobe Persuasion 4.0
PhotoSuite 8.0
NetObjects Fusion 1.0
PageMaker 6.5
SuperCharts 4.0 and SuperCharts RealTime
First Map for Excel 95
Windows Draw 5
WEB Office 1.0
Janna Contact Personal 1.0
AnyTime Deluxe
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications
WebAuthor 2.5
Microsoft Camcorder 1.0
HotFax 1.3
Cakewalk Pro Audio 5.0
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12/96 Cover Story: King of the Raod
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12/96 Reviews What's Hot: Windows CE, NEC Mobile Pro HandHel PC and Casio Cassiopeia